A transgender model from Colombia kisses her husband’s baby bump.

Danna Sultana, a transgender model from Colombia who was born male but identifies as female, recently posted a sweet picture on Instagram. She gives her husband’s eight-month baby belly a tender kiss in the picture.

Danna Sultana, a transgender model from Colombia who identifies as female, is expecting a child with her husband, Esteban Landrau, who identifies as male.

Earlier this month, Danna delighted her 219,000 Instagram followers by posting the endearing photo with the tagline “Love Is Love.”

Since both Danna and Esteban have kept their natural organs, the local media reports that the couple conceived their child naturally.

Esteban began having contractions at eight months of pregnancy and began to worry about an early birth. In anticipation of the birth of their child, they notified their relatives and rushed to a nearby hospital.


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