Three lions escaped into a courtyard, and the zookeeper recorded himself attempting to catch them “to impress his girlfriend” before the untamed creatures ambushed and devoured him.
of 5 a.m. during his night shift, a 44-year-old man named F Iriskulov is seen opening a padlock to the area of the private zoo known as the Lion Park in Parkent, Uzbekistan.
In the video, three lions are seen observing him approach, first seeming to be fairly at ease. He recoils in obvious astonishment when they abruptly emerge,
But the predators do not strike at this time. He may be heard repeating one of the lions’ names repeatedly: “Simba.” He repeatedly implores the untamed creature to “simba, be quiet.”
The catastrophe occurred when the zookeeper attempted to catch the lions after they broke out of their cage via an unsecured entrance and into a courtyard.