Joe Biden’s life was idyllic in December 1972. He became the second-youngest senator in history when he was elected to represent Delaware in Congress at the age of thirty.
Neilia, his lovely wife of six years, was at his side. Their three children, Beau, 4, Hunter, 3, and Naomi, 13 months, are all in good health.
It was so fortunate for them that even Biden’s young wife confessed she was anxious. She turned to him, terrified, as they sat by the fireplace in their Wilmington house, writing Christmas cards.
When this happens, Joey, what will happen? she asked. ‘Everything is just perfect.’
A few days later, when he was conducting interviews for potential staff in Washington DC, the newly-elected Biden received a call.
A lovely young lady was placed on the phone. At a rally for his 2020 presidential campaign, Biden remembered an incident from almost 50 years ago.