The ‘world’s oldest pyramid’ was not constructed by humans, according to archaeologists.

The ‘world’s oldest pyramid’ may not have been constructed by humans, according to archaeologists.

According to calculations, the Djoser Step pyramid was constructed in around 2,630 BC, making it the oldest pyramid in the world. But according to a study.

That was published a few years ago in Archaeological Prospection, the Gunung Padang site in Indonesia may be the oldest, with scientists estimating that it dates to 25,000 BC.

The paper’s assertions about the site’s origins, however, were disputed by many in the field at the time, raising serious questions about whether the building was indeed man-made.

According to the study’s authors, it could have started as a naturally occurring lava mound “before being sculpted and then architecturally enveloped.” This work provides insight.


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