In 1983, Patricia Clarke gave birth to Kevin Robert Clark, who weighed over 16 pounds. He was the largest infant at Community Memorial Hospital at the time and maybe the largest baby born in all of New Jersey.
Despite his peculiar size, Kevin remained healthy and gained notoriety fast, appearing on shows like “Good Morning America” and “Saturday Night Live.”
As Kevin grew to 6’5″ by junior high and 5’7″ by age twelve, his height continued to garner attention. Joking that he was five feet twenty-one inches tall,
he said, laughing. When someone asks me whether I play basketball, I tell them I play miniature golf.
Kevin, who is 6 feet 9 inches tall and is 40 years old, is used to the attention. He said, “It seems like I get asked how tall I am every day.”
Kevin, a former soldier, lives with his wife, who is six feet tall, and his Great Dane. He has perfected the skill of global navigation with his peculiar walk.