When IBM refused to offer him a wage increase, a man who had been on sick leave for 15 years filed a lawsuit.

One of those things where you could fantasize about taking sick leave is that it’s never a favorable circumstance. However, you generally don’t want to think about spending more than ten years on it.

And when IBM refused to increase his wages, one guy who had been on sick leave for 15 years ended up suing the company.

When Ian Clifford first took time from work in September 2008 for his health, he was working for the computer giant. Additionally, he listed himself.

As “medically retired” from 2013 on his LinkedIn page. The guy complained to the employer that year that he hadn’t gotten a wage increase in five years.

Clifford and his employer were able to come to a “compromise agreement,” which spared him from being fired and placed him on the company’s disability plan.


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