Would Your Heart Continue to Beat With This 3D-Printed “Electronic Glove”?

In 2014, this innovative technology grabbed news for the first time. In a study that was published in Nature Communications,

Researchers presented a novel electronic membrane that may eventually take the role of pacemakers. The membrane, which is made to fit tightly over the heart,

Aids in sustaining a constant beating over time. The electrical activity of the heart is continually monitored by means of a sensory network that resembles a web.

An Exceptionally Tailored Fit High-resolution imaging technology makes it possible to precisely customize the elastic membrane.

To fit over each unique heart. In addition to providing high-definition treatment in emergency scenarios, such as a heart attack,


A “Dystopian” apartment complex in China that houses more than 20,000 people

Lauren Sanchez, the fiancĂ©e of Jeff Bezos, is accused of “inappropriately” attending the presidential inauguration wearing “lingerie.”