21 Additional comparisons between Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, as I am insatiably curious.


8. “Second-grade soccer will be coached by Tim Walz.” The father on the side, J.D. Vance, is shouting at the fifth-grade referee.

9. “When you and your friend are unable to move your couch into the house, Tim Walz provides assistance.” J.D. Vance assists himself onto your sofa.

10. “Tim Walz is the individual in the checkout line who will allow you to proceed ahead of him if you only have one or two items.” J.D. Vance is the individual who navigates the express line with a trolley full of supplies.

11. “While you are transporting your child to their cancer treatments, Tim Walz prepares a casserole for you twice a week.” J.D. Vance casually extends his thoughts and prayers.

12. “In a public restroom, Tim Walz is the individual who rises, flushes, and wipes the toilet seat.” J.D. Vance is the individual who leaves his waste in the toilet, on the seat, and on the floor, and then complains to management.


JD Vance has expressed his desire for a genuine debate with his opponent, Tim Walz, rather than one that is characterized by “fake news media garbage.”

Insiders are concerned that Trump is experiencing a collapse, as he is slurring and appears to be rapidly deteriorating. However, according to MAUREEN CALLAHAN, there is a lamentable reason why he may now desire to lose the election.