21 Additional comparisons between Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, as I am insatiably curious.


13. “Tim Walz is the individual who goes above and beyond to ensure that the door remains open until you arrive.” Despite the fact that you are directly behind him, J.D. Vance is the individual who allows the object to crash into your face.

14. “Tim Walz is the individual who would offer you his final bottle of Diet Mountain Dew.” J.D. Vance is the individual who would consume it in small quantities.

15. “Tim Walz is the individual who assists in the excavation of your vehicle from the snow.” J.D. Vance is the individual who places the garbage cans in the shoveled-out parking location to ensure that it is exclusively his to use.

16. “Tim Walz will provide a family in need with a full Christmas sponsorship.” J.D. Vance will inform the children that Santa Claus is not an actual person.


JD Vance has expressed his desire for a genuine debate with his opponent, Tim Walz, rather than one that is characterized by “fake news media garbage.”

Insiders are concerned that Trump is experiencing a collapse, as he is slurring and appears to be rapidly deteriorating. However, according to MAUREEN CALLAHAN, there is a lamentable reason why he may now desire to lose the election.