The 1950s teen star who perished in a mystery aircraft crash while saving his twins

One of the earliest teenage heroes of rock music was Ricky Nelson, who was born Eric Hilliard Nelson in Teaneck, New Jersey, on May 8, 1940.

His brother and he both joined the cast of his parents’ comedy, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, which launched their careers at an early age.

Ricky attended Gardner Street Public School and Hollywood High School over the sixteen-year run of the comedy.

Ricky’s father, Ozzie Nelson, was upset with him because he didn’t like studying and thought Ricky should attend college.

But when Ricky started making around $100,000 more a year than an adult would, his parents accepted that he was giving up on his schooling.


After having lunch with her son-in-law, mom finds an incredible photo a few weeks later.

photos of Princess Diana never previously released; she was a fantastic mother and role model.