The Worst TV Personalities According to James Woods: Whoopi Goldberg

Acclaimed actor James Woods recently went on the offensive online, criticizing Whoopi Goldberg, an actress and TV personality.

Woods, who is known for his frank opinions and biting remarks, called Goldberg “one of the worst personalities on TV,” which caused quite a stir among viewers and reviewers.

The famous daytime talk program “The View” has Goldberg as a co-host, and Woods has taken to Twitter to voice his disgust with her,

citing her outspoken personality and many contentious comments. He said Goldberg was prejudiced and had a “condescending” attitude toward those who thought differently than her.

James Woods has been outspoken about his social and political beliefs before. As an active social media user,

Woods often expresses his conservative views, which frequently lead to conflicts with other prominent liberals in the entertainment sector.


The news has broken: Clint Eastwood and Kurt Russell have joined Mel Gibson’s new studio for sleep-deprived films.

At the Academy Awards, Kevin Costner Refused to Share the Stage with Whoopi Goldberg.