The “greatest opening to a show” in the “best series” keeps viewers coming back for more.

Some people in the TV industry still think the opening sequence of a long-gone criminal thriller series was the “strongest and greatest” they’d ever seen.

When fans turned on NBC in September 2013, they saw James Spader make his NBC debut as the legendary Raymond “Red” Redding.

The show’s protagonist walked idly into the FBI building in Washington D.C. in the very first scene.

But the moment he said his name, he was compelled to bend down as authorities brandished their firearms in a tense confrontation.

People saw right away that Redding wasn’t a hero. But instead, they found out he was a deadly master criminal and a wanted man by the FBI.

After a frantic two-month search, a 12-year-old girl has been located.

After 23 years, a man has released fresh 9/11 film that shows a viewpoint of the Twin Towers fall that no one has seen before.