Buzz Aldrin struck a conspiracy theorist after he accused him of fabricating the moon landing.

a conspiracy theorist has been punched by Buzz Aldrin in a startling video that has gone viral. One of humanity’s most significant accomplishments is the initial Moon mission on July 20, 1969.

Conspiracy theories continue to assert that the Moon mission was a fabrication, despite the fact that evidence supports the event. A acrimonious exchange ensued when one of these theorists articulated their convictions to Aldrin.

People have responded to the ubiquitous video on the internet, with one observer stating, “I could watch this all day!” Buzz, give me a high five

Another individual observes, “This is the manner in which these individuals who are unemployed are managed by the studs.” “One small punch for Buzz, one big punch for humanity,” chuckles a third.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to step foot on the lunar surface as part of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission.


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