A 13-year-old boy uses a gadget that his mom bought him for $3 to thwart a kidnapper.

On the second occasion, he struck him across the chest. “He was using profanity. “He was cursing,” Owen informed the media.

It was midday when the two crossed paths at the Burns’ Michigan home in Alpena Township. Kidnappings were quite rare in the region, according to their mother Maggie Burns.

His sister, who was eight years old at the time, was unharmed but likely scarred by the ordeal. Though they have not released his identity, the Michigan State Police have said that the abductee, who was 17 years old, will face adult charges.

Speaking during a press conference, Lt. John Grimshaw praised Owen’s efforts, describing them as “extraordinary,” and stated, “He really is the one that… I believe saved his sister’s either life or from something seriously bad happening to her.” The deeds of this little child were very remarkable!


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