A 13-year-old boy uses a gadget that his mom bought him for $3 to thwart a kidnapper.

According to Maggie, her son’s account of striking the abductor square in the chest and forehead from a distance of 200 feet seems questionable.

However, the police corroborated the account, noting that the suspect’s marble-induced goose egg continued to enlarge as they interviewed him.

You claimed I lied all the time! Owen informed his mom. “I couldn’t believe it,” she countered. “Until there was evidence, it just didn’t ring true. Something out of a movie would describe it.

This is real life, mom, the adolescent replied, “stuff in the movies can and do happen.” This kid is obviously a hero!

105-year-old great-grandmother runs 100 meters faster than anybody else in history at US Senior Games

At her London concert, Taylor Swift accidentally swallows a bug, which was captured on video.