A guy who claimed to be the missing 1991 son of a British mother receives an update on the results of her DNA test.


A Danish guy who claimed to be the missing kid and to have recollections of his grandparents stating he was abducted from Kos as a youngster earlier this year dealt a serious blow to the family.

The man’s participation in a DNA test was subsequently confirmed by South Yorkshire Police, raising optimism that Ben’s missing mystery would finally be resolved.

A representative has recently disclosed that Ben was not matched in the DNA sample. Ben’s birth at Boston Hospital in Lincolnshire was matched to a Guthrie heel-prick test using the man’s blood.

Kerry, 51, has now disclosed in an interview with The Mirror that she is determined to get the truth about what happened to her son, despite the setback. “I will never give up for as long as I live,

” she stated. “Even though I deep down knew it wasn’t him, there’s always hope and possibility.” It always may be someone you least expect it to be. Needless to say, this is disheartening.”

She went on, “We won’t let this stop us from pleading with anyone who believe they may be Ben to come forward.


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