A man accuses a hospital of stealing a portion of his skull and demands $19,000 to have it replaced.

“It is shocking that a medical provider like Emory would lose part of one of its patient’s skulls and then refuse to accept responsibility,” the statement read.

Cluster consented to an alternative treatment on November 23, 2022, which involved the installation of a synthetic implant flap.

He is blaming the hospital for both this unforeseen procedure and carelessness that led to a longer hospital stay.

According to Cluster’s lawsuit, the hospital overcharged him $19,000 for the synthetic bone flap and the procedure of implanting it into his skull in addition to the extra time he had to stay there.

After that, he was allegedly charged once again after the artificial bone flap that had been placed became infected and required more surgery.

“We now have to live with the consequences of Emory’s negligence, including daily fear about another infection in my head and medical costs,” said the statement.

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