A nine-year-old girl passes away after succumbing during recess on the first day of school.


‘Luciana Laine Nash, sister, lover, catcher, reader, cartwheeler, naturalist, singer, LEGO master builder, child of God,

and friend of anyone, passed to the next realm where hopefully Christ greeted her and experienced an embrace that genuinely transforms lives,’ Ryan Nash wrote.

“We have shared 9 years and 56 days of a life that is abundant, joyful, carefree, and compassionate.” And despite the inexplicable anguish, I am grateful for each hour.

The cause of Lucy’s collapse remains uncertain. According to the fundraising page, the girl’s relatives reported that she was “deprived of oxygen for an extended period of time” during the efforts to save her life.

The note stated, “Little Lucy is a bright light in a sometimes grim world. She makes us all laugh and warms so many souls with her love and huge heart.”

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