A three-year-old girl who was declared deceased awakens at her own funeral.

Camila Roxana Martinez Mendoza, a three-year-old, was experiencing severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and a fever.

This was a concerning indication for her mother, Mary Jane Mendoza, who subsequently opted to undergo a medical examination for her infant.

She took her daughter to a pediatrician in her birthplace of Villa de Ramos, but the local doctor warned the family that

this is a matter that requires the expertise of an expert. Consequently, the family was directed to the central state of Mexico, San Luis Potosí.

They proceeded to the Salinas de Hidalgo Basic Community Hospital, where the physicians administered a chilled compress to


In light of the tragic loss of the legendary actress Sharon Stone, we extend our heartfelt condolences and prayers to her family.

Miley Cyrus and her family are in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn the tragic loss of their loved one.