A three-year-old girl who was declared deceased awakens at her own funeral.


They removed the IV from her vein and placed little Camila to rest after approximately ten minutes. “She was still hugging me when they took her away and told me, ‘You must allow her to rest in peace,'” her mother recalled.

Mendoza was confined to a separate room from her daughter. She ultimately succeeded in exiting the room; however, the medical personnel prohibited her from entering the room where her daughter was located.

She was taken aback when they informed her that her daughter had passed away as a result of dehydration.

The family arranged a funeral the following day, uncertain as to whether the situation was genuine. Her mother observed that the glass window of the sarcophagus was somewhat foggy during the viewing.

Her family persuaded her that she was delusional, and she is entirely entitled to this belief. Their directive was to refrain from opening the coffin; however, her maternal grandmother was eager to acquire what was inside.

Camila was startled by the sight and began to move her eyes. Upon closer examination, she discovered that she had a pulse.


In light of the tragic loss of the legendary actress Sharon Stone, we extend our heartfelt condolences and prayers to her family.

Miley Cyrus and her family are in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn the tragic loss of their loved one.