After 23 years, a man has released fresh 9/11 film that shows a viewpoint of the Twin Towers fall that no one has seen before.

While organizing my closet, I stumbled over many boxes including Hi-8, Digital-8, and DV cassettes,” Sugimento stated.

Approximately one-third of them had demagnetized and were either completely blank or severely corrupted when I tried to play them again.

I began digitizing my video cassettes in a panic after reading online that not even in perfect storage circumstances can video tapes resist the effects of time.

I am now in the process of uploading the video. He went on to say, “If my memory serves me well. As soon as.

I saw the second jet crash, I knew this was no ordinary accident, and I remember I sprinted to get my video camera.

The south and east don’t show the same thing in this clip, according to one observer. These angles have never been seen before by you.

Someone else wrote on Reddit about the incredible historical find that happened in someone’s home:

“It makes me question how much personal history is stashed away in people’s basements and attics, just waiting to be discovered.”

The “greatest opening to a show” in the “best series” keeps viewers coming back for more.

A very pregnant Megan Fox makes an appearance in the latest video from Machine Gun Kelly.