After an extended argument about youngsters playing near her house, a Florida jury on Friday convicted a
60-year-old White woman guilty of manslaughter with a handgun. The lady had shot and killed an unarmed Black mother.
The panel had been debating whether Susan Lorincz was justified in shooting 35-year-old Ajike “AJ” Owens, who had been pounding on her door,
last June via the front door of her apartment in central Florida, in accordance with the contentious state self-defense legislation. The state’s Stand Your Ground legislation,
which permits the use of lethal force in self-defense under certain circumstances, was put to the test during the trial. Lorincz entered a not guilty plea after being accused of manslaughter with a weapon.
The office of State Attorney Bill Gladson states that she may spend up to 30 years behind bars. There is no established date for sentencing.