After a lady had her arms and legs amputated, veterinarians caution against kissing your dog.


When a disease is zoonotic, it implies it spreads from animals to people. A group of Penn State researchers warned people to be cautious near dogs.

Antibiotic-resistant salmonella, which may cause diarrhea and in severe instances, even death, was of special worry to them.

“We think about the role of agriculture and transmission – we think about eggs, we think about beef,” said Sophia Kenney, the study’s author.

The problem is that we allow dogs to kiss our faces and sleep in our beds, but not cows. “We have this close bond with companion animals in general, and we have a really close interface with dogs.”

“Dogs are known to be fairly indiscriminate about what they sniff, lick, and eat,” continues Falls Village Veterinary Hospital in Raleigh, North Carolina.


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