After having lunch with her son-in-law, mom finds an incredible photo a few weeks later.


There was something about him that she was unable to completely identify. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to pinpoint what it was. She chose to look into it since she was determined to figure out how she felt!

During the dinner party, when Ed’s mother Fiona was also present, Kay made a casual comment about a sailing trip the family had taken to Turkey when Heidi was only six years old.

Kay remembered that during their vacation, Heidi had a charming and adorable “boyfriend” whose name also happened to be “Ed.”

Throughout their two-week vacation in Turkey, the two adorable children played together and held hands, the speaker stated.

Fiona also felt that the name was something of a coincidence—so much so that she shattered her wineglass—but she didn’t think about it much after that.


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