After Joey Feek’s death eight years ago, country singer Rory Feek remarries: Rejoice in Love’s Blessings


“I inquired with Indy, and she informed me that she mentioned, ‘Ms. Rebecca, I believe you should wed Papa,’ ” he stated.

I asked Indy about her mother, and she informed me that she had told Miss Rebecca that my mom had been gone for a long time. “And who knows?

Maybe she’ll become my new mother if she marries you…” “As I dabbed at my eyes, I expressed my admiration for her idea,” he went on to say,

adding that they promptly started making arrangements for their wedding. During the wedding, Feek had a memorable and heartfelt experience with Rebecca and his daughter,

which he documented on his blog. It was the highlight of the wedding for both of us, I believe. The moment when Indiana’s life was graced with the presence of her mother once again.

The gift of motherhood was bestowed to Rebecca. He also said that they formed a family.

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