After Simone Biles wins for the sixth time, the Russian gymnast coach wants the regulation altered.

A discussion concerning the present gymnastics competition scoring system has been triggered by Rodionenko’s comments.

Gymnastics scoring is governed by the Code of Points, which places a strong emphasis on the difficulty of skills and combinations.

Although artistry is taken into account, many people think that the technical components of a routine are more important.

The emphasis on difficulty, according to critics like Rodionenko, lessens the aesthetic attractiveness that formerly characterized the sport.

They think that gymnasts ought to be compensated for feats of grace, originality, and expression in addition to talent.
Supporters of the current system contend, however, that sportsmen like Justin Biles have taken the sport to new heights and beyond the realm of physical possibility.

They argue that Biles’s accomplishments demonstrate how gymnastics is a developing sport. The criticism of Rodionenko has sparked further calls for a review of the scoring methodology.

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