After these heartbreaking revelations about Clint Eastwood surface, prayers are requested.


Administrators at the school forced him to retake after he failed a grade. Eastwood was dismissed from high school due to “delinquent behavior.” According to his mother Ruth Eastwood,

“Clint not only buried someone in effigy on the school grounds, but scrawled an obscene proposal to a school administrator on the athletic field scorecard.”

When young Clint Eastwood enlisted in the Army during the Korean War, he was taken aback. While returning to San Francisco, Eastwood and an Air Force pilot had an accident. Eastwood told The

Hollywood Reporter that the event almost killed him. “What was going through my mind was just a stark terror, a sharp anxiety,” he said. “I had no experience flying and was just hitching a ride.”

After landing, Eastwood and the others swam to safety. traumatic. Huge white sharks were seen at the location of the jet accident,

he told The Hollywood Reporter. Eastwood, at least, discovered it later. “I’m glad I wasn’t aware of it at the time; otherwise, I would have passed away.”


photos of Princess Diana never previously released; she was a fantastic mother and role model.

During a “unexpected accident” this morning while taking a stroll close to her Washington home, the renowned actress was discovered dead.