Allegations of’satanic control’ surrounding the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony abound, but viewers uncover the historical reality.

“This is not some kind of plot. They show you, plain and simple. Do you not see?
This video was also uploaded by another X user, who wrote:

“Dear Normies, I bet you’re sitting at home, watching the Olympics in France and wondering what the fuck is going on.

Yes, you are seeing the unfolding of yet another conspiracy. That one when we reveal that evil globalists rule the whole planet.

These folks openly worship Satan or a brand of and do extremely odd and sick things. They take great pride in boasting about this. Then have you seen it? It is quite obvious.

The Nelons, a Grammy-nominated family group, lost three members in the aircraft tragedy that killed seven others.

“Blue Scrotum” is causing quite a stir among Olympic spectators, who are describing it as the “worst opening ceremony ever.”