An artist who was “ready to die” after allowing onlookers to touch her describes the horrifying moment something went horribly wrong.


Razor blades were used to chop off the artist’s garments, and someone even sliced her throat to get blood from her neck.

Subsequently, the artist said that she thought the pivotal moment occurred when the audience realized they could manipulate her body in any manner they wanted.

As the performance came to a finish, the crowd was divided into two groups: those who want to hurt Abramović and those who wanted to defend her.

A loaded gun would be aimed at her head, starting a battle in the room. It’s unclear whether the experiment was terminated by this or if the six hours had just passed.

In any case, Abramović had exposed some horrifying realities about the lengths people would go to in order to harm another person when there are no consequences.

“What I learned was that … if you leave it up to the audience, they can kill you,” she said.


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On his way home from a party, a 19-year-old crashed his automobile into a ditch; he was never heard from again.