An entirely tattooed father changes for the sake of his little daughter.

To get his current appearance, Ethan said he had paid over $60,000 AUD, or about $39,000 UD. But now he’s admitting that he wishes he hadn’t made some of his previous decisions.

“I suppose you could say I regret some tattoos,” he said in an interview with LadBibleTV’s No Filter series. “Regret isn’t the same as wanting to be seen in a different light; in my opinion, there’s a distinction between the two.”

After that, Ethan continued by saying that he worries about being judged when he does everyday things like bringing his little daughter to school.

I definitely wouldn’t want my kid to have to deal with the face till she was a little older since it’s a significant issue that may lead to a lot of troubles for herself. But that’s just him talking.

“Looking back, I regret being so careless with my face.” Ethan has been enduring painful laser surgical treatments in an effort to improve his appearance by erasing some of the tattoos he received when he was younger.

An anonymous person posts a video of a mother nursing her child online; the mother’s reaction is absolutely priceless.

“He just has a large brain,” Paris Hilton said in response to cruel remarks made about her son’s head on the internet.