An entirely tattooed father changes for the sake of his little daughter.


“I have been getting laser [surgery], or have been, for pretty much twelve months…” he stated. We break it down into chunks, but I’ve reviewed the whole thing at least six or seven times.

Because of the stress and other negative emotions I was experiencing, I finally got around to doing it. Although it’s difficult to put a finger on mental health issues, I’d like to believe that the abundance of tattoos on my face contributed significantly to my anxiety.

Even though I’m content with my appearance, I’m also content with the idea that my facial tattoos will gradually fade away over the following two years. I’m only arranging the canvas.

An anonymous person posts a video of a mother nursing her child online; the mother’s reaction is absolutely priceless.

“He just has a large brain,” Paris Hilton said in response to cruel remarks made about her son’s head on the internet.