An ex-spy explains which mental illness the CIA views as a “superpower” and how to develop it.

According to a former spy, the CIA can shape individuals with a certain mental illness to excel at their employment wherever in the globe.

A former CIA officer claims that the concept of a super spy has apparently been distorted by Hollywood pop culture.

According to Andrew Bustamante, who worked secretly for the CIA for seven years, the components of a spy are quite different from what we have seen in movies.

He disclosed last year on the Francesca Psychology Podcast that the agency views a common mental health condition as a “superpower” because of how effectively.

It contributes to a person becoming a capable agent. According to Bustamante, the CIA deliberately seeks out people with this mental health condition since it is so useful.


In the second aviation disaster of the week, an ambulance crashed into a US neighborhood, reportedly killing at least six people.

Every verified passenger on the tragically crashed American Airlines flight