An explanation for why, despite the health hazards, a woman with two vaginas refuses to remove one of them


Is the thought of getting rid of one ever crossed her mind? Even if there are health concerns, Evelyn clarified that it’s not that easy and that’s why she wouldn’t eliminate either one.

There is only room for one ovary on each uterus, so even if she removes one, she will still have to consider this.

“Not that I desire additional children, but I would lose half of my fertility,” she said. Your egg count per ovary is a mystery to you. Counting eggs is something they can do anywhere. That, therefore, would be the risky aspect.

For reasons related to her “periods have been so bad,” Evelyn considered undergoing a double hysterectomy.

The complexity of removing that much tissue without injuring the kidneys or the bowels made it impossible, according to Evelyn. “Alright, I guess I’ll just take it until I’m fifty, when I’m sure I’ll be hot and sweaty once more.”


The true motivation behind her decision to enter the profession is revealed by former adult film actress Lana Rhoades.

Authorities affirm that Jay Slater’s injuries are consistent with those caused by an accidental fall.