An NFL reporter admits that his 2-year-old daughter passed away from cancer.


Abnormal myeloid cells—a subset of white blood cells—proliferate quickly in AML, pushing away healthy blood cells in the process.

These aberrant cells may swiftly enter the circulation as the condition worsens, resulting in symptoms including exhaustion,

easy bruising or bleeding, and heightened susceptibility to infections. AML mostly manifests in the bone marrow and blood,

but it may also spread to other regions of the body, such as the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and central nervous system, but this is less frequent.

Doug and his spouse had been spending most nights in Boston’s Children’s Hospital since Hallie’s diagnosis. He clarified, “My wife and I have alternated between taking care of Hallie and our 5-year-old, Olivia, at home.

Jen Kyed said, “There is an enormous hole in my heart, and the pain is unbearable.” “I’ll never be able to comprehend how or why something so terrible could occur.”

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