As Tom Cruise and Will Smith each stand atop the Burj Khalifa, onlookers notice the striking contrast.

Tom Cruise, seemed unfazed, atop the Burj Khalifa. Tom Cruise, seems unfazed, atop the Burj Khalifa (X). (X) He may not be wearing a harness at first glance, but fact-checking websites have shown that he is likely doing so.

In response to the picture, many expressed their opinions on social media. One user wrote: “One is sitting in bare feet and a t-shirt looking as relaxed as possible while the other is draped in harnesses, clinging on for dear life, looking like he’s making peace with God.”

A follow-up wrote: “I love how Will is all strapped up and hanging on for dear life, but Tom is not only just sitting there, nary a rope in sight, but he’s LEANING.”

“Tom looks like he is posted on his front stoop just vibing and Will is the living embodiment of terror,” said a third commentary.

“That grin is more like a death grin than a smile. He’s bound to 63 different harnesses. “Those boxes are still in his possession,” says legend.

Some cruise ship passengers are just now beginning to understand the significance of upside-down pineapple signs on doors.

For five years, this lady subsisted on only one slice of bread every day—and now, look at her!