At the age of 64, Sharon Stone has been referred to as a “goddess” after sharing a tipless photograph.


“We, as women, lack a platform to deliberate on the gravity of this loss.” Through miscarriage, I lost nine infants,” Stone noted.

She continued, “It is a significant issue, both physically and emotionally, yet we are conditioned to believe that it is something that must be endured in secret and alone, with a sense of failure.”

“Instead of receiving the compassion, empathy, and healing that we so desperately require.” “The care of female health

and wellness has become lax at best, ignorant in fact, and violently oppressive in [the] effort when left to the care of male ideology,” she continued.

Regrettably, there is news regarding Ozzy Osbourne

After the Oscars, Jada Pinkett Smith addressed allegations that she was carrying the child of another man.