Audience Members Say They Have “Memory Loss” From Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour


“Thank goodness I have recorded the concert because I can’t remember it at all, but this is terrifying,” another person says.

Another person concurs, saying, “I really can’t recall much of it; it’s terrifying.” Another person wonders, “Why am I completely forgetting about The Eras Tour?!”

Professionals think that Swifties could be suffering from “post-concert amnesia.” Source: Alamy
Because the

Era Tour isn’t like any other concert—it’s an immersive experience—fans understandably feel immense surges of anticipation leading up to the big day.

Attendees of the tour will likely be experiencing elevated emotions and a lively environment, which may make it challenging to establish lasting memories, according to experts. This might explain why the peculiar phenomena is occurring.

Even though it’s not a formal medical phrase, the accounts of the event point to “post-concert amnesia.”


The girl’s older half-brother will avoid prosecution despite the fact that she died after being “punched in the heat of the moment” when she was 11 years old.

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