Audience Members Say They Have “Memory Loss” From Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour


Taylor Swift’s tourgoers may be suffering from “memory loss” due to the intense emotions they’re feeling. Source: Alamy

According to Dr. Leah Croll, an assistant professor and board-certified neurologist at Temple University, who spoke with ABC News:

There is a limit to how much data your brain can handle simultaneously. In that regard, it is similar to a computer.

So, with all these stimuli bombarding your senses, something is bound to give. Memory storage is often that something. Some have drawn parallels to the amnesia that follows a terrible occurrence.

“When people experience trauma, sometimes that memory gets blocked out or isn’t formed properly,” says Dr. Punit Shah, a professor and psychologist at the University of Bath, explaining this to MailOnline.


The girl’s older half-brother will avoid prosecution despite the fact that she died after being “punched in the heat of the moment” when she was 11 years old.

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