“Blue Scrotum” is causing quite a stir among Olympic spectators, who are describing it as the “worst opening ceremony ever.”

Katerine was really dressed as Dionysus, but nobody noticed him in his outfit. According to GreekGodandGodesses.

Net, Dionysus was “the ancient Greek deity of wine, winemaking, grape cultivation, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and religious ecstasy.”

As the son of Zeus, Dionysus was worshiped by the Mycenean Greeks as early as 1500-11000 BCE.

Later portrayals of the deity show him as an androgynous figure, either fully or partially nude, and characterized in literature as having “man-womanish” traits.

With his Euro-pop singles, Katerine became an overnight sensation in France in the early 2000s. Fittingly, he performed “Nu,” which means “naked” in English, at last night’s Opening Ceremony.

Allegations of’satanic control’ surrounding the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony abound, but viewers uncover the historical reality.

After Elon Musk said that a “woke mind virus” had “killed” his daughter, Grimes, who is a transgender person, spoke out in favor of her.