Body language expert comments on the high-stakes Trump-Harris debate: “Fell into the trap”


He was protecting himself and hitting her back with the ball most of the time, which wasn’t a smart strategy, according to Constantine.

It was evident that Trump was becoming really agitated about it. He sank at one point, dropping his head and his shoulders. The top lip then swiftly moves upward as you can see. I

t was a micro-expression of hate, contempt, and derision, and he was furious with her for saying it.” DURING THE DEBATE, HARRIS TELLS TRUMP HE’S ‘NOT RUNNING AGAINST JOE BIDEN’

Constantine notes that there was a reason why Trump was furious, citing the several disparaging statements made by Harris. As a result, he was unable to recover control of the argument,

having been provoked by Harris, whose grins indicated that she knew she had trapped the former president. “You would notice his rage, the way he spoke, his pursed eyebrows, or his tightened lips.”


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