Bon Jovi Jon I swear if you take my hand, we can make it. Woman Is Persuaded Not to Leap Off Bridge

Tuesday night, rock icon Jon Bon Jovi seemed to have the golden words to save a lady in need by persuading a stranger not to leap from a bridge. The singer of “It’s My Life” was recording a music

video for his song “People’s House” on Music City’s John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge at approximately six o’clock in the evening when he saw a lady in need of assistance.

Watch the video… The lady in question looked like she was about to leap from the famous bridge, but Bon Jovi spoke to her and talked her out of being killed.

TMZ has been informed directly by sources that… Bon Jovi often works with individuals in need, addressing homelessness, hunger,

and other concerns via the JBJ SOUL FOUNDATION. Despite his considerable skill in helping people through crises, he acted as any other person would have in that circumstance.


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