Buzz Aldrin struck a conspiracy theorist after he accused him of fabricating the moon landing.


The event was broadcast worldwide to millions of viewers and became an iconic moment in the space competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. A historical event.

Conspiracy theories concerning the Moon landing emerged shortly thereafter. Bill Kaysing, a former employee of Rocketdyne, a company that was engaged in the Apollo program, was one of the earliest and most influential proponents.

In his 1976 self-published book, “We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle,

” Kaysing contended that NASA fabricated the Moon mission in order to establish U.S. dominance in space without the risk and expense of actual space travel.

Despite the absence of credible evidence, Kaysing’s assertions established the foundation for a diverse array of conspiracy theories regarding the Moon landing project.


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