Buzz Aldrin struck a conspiracy theorist after he accused him of fabricating the moon landing.


They demonstrated that non-parallel shadows could naturally occur on the Moon’s surface by utilizing a scale model with undulating topography, miniature astronauts, and simulated sunlight..

The results of this experiment contradicted the assertions of skeptics that the shadows in NASA’s photographs proved the use of artificial illumination in a studio environment.

The Moon landing conspiracy theories are also overwhelmingly rejected by the scientific community, who provide extensive evidence that the Moon landing did indeed take place.

The Moon missions have been consistently confirmed as authentic by former NASA employees, engineers, and astronauts.

The event’s authenticity was never contested by the Soviets, who intently monitored the U.S. space program during the Cold War.

It is improbable that they would have maintained their silence if the event had been fabricated, given the intense rivalry between the two.


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