By accident, a man’s bank account went from $46,000 to $26.7 million in the span of a single night.

The unexpected increase of a Brazilian father-of-four’s bank balance from $46 to $26.7 million one morning took him entirely unawares. He is a bus driver.

While some people, like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, have already amassed fortunes in the millions, I suppose the most of us have fantasized of doing the same at some time.

It’s easy to fantasize about the incredible trips and experiences you might have if you had an unexpected windfall of wealth, but in reality, we usually just assume that this will never happen.

Imagine, however, if it did—even for a little while. As a father of four and grandpa of fourteen, Antônio Pereira went to sleep in June of last year

completely unaware of the magnitude of his riches. However, the following morning, he woke up a billionaire, all because of an error.


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