By accident, a man’s bank account went from $46,000 to $26.7 million in the span of a single night.


Something was amiss, according to Pereira, as he knew he couldn’t possibly win such a massive sum of money without playing the lottery. The unexpected fortune startled Antônio Pereira.

“So many zeros appeared that I was scared…,” he remarked previously when discussing the amount in his bank account with TV Anhanguera.

Money like that has never been seen before. “And I’ll never get it in my life, only if I win in the Mega Sena, and I don’t play.”

Although it would be wonderful if millions of dollars materialized without warning, this windfall really resulted from a misdirected transfer that ought to have gone to a different bank account.

Although many may consider taking the money and running, Pereira considers himself to be trustworthy and has never considered doing so.


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