The consumption of vegetables as long as they are low in carbohydrates. People following a carnivore diet are expected to eat as if they were dying soon.
It’s pure fatty decadence—meat, cheese, and butter. The individual reported to physicians that he was much lighter and had more energy than before.
He did this by consuming six to nine pounds of cheese each day. Throughout the day, he would eat hamburgers nonstop. He used many sticks of butter to wash all of it away.
Although the yellow nodules all over his body were a bit unsettling, he seemed to be pleased with the outcome.
These nodules were caused by an uncommon disorder known as xanthelasma, in which a person’s cholesterol becomes so abnormally high that it begins.
To leak through their skin as little yellow pimples that are full of fat and are attempting to forcefully leave their body if required.