Dad faces murder charges after incident when he allegedly “played video games for three hours” while leaving 2-year-old daughter in a hot vehicle, according to court records.


Tucson, house at around 2:30 in the afternoon and parked outside due to the garage’s abundance of workout equipment.

their wife came home at 4:00 PM to find their daughter dead; he said he had forgotten she was in her car seat.

According to KPLC, however, security video examined by the authorities revealed that he departed the residence just after 12:30 PM, leaving Parker in the vehicle for more than three hours in temperatures of 109 degrees.

New York Post reports that Christopher “got distracted playing his game and putting his food away” according to a lawsuit filed in the case.

2.jpg from GettyImages-AA010802.After being left in the heated vehicle for around three hours, Parker was finally rescued. Photo credit: Getty Images/Ryan McVay


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