Dad faces murder charges after incident when he allegedly “played video games for three hours” while leaving 2-year-old daughter in a hot vehicle, according to court records.


Following his arraignment on Friday, charges of murder and child endangerment were filed against him. His wife, describing the tragic event as “a big mistake,” urged the judge to release him until his trial.

I only ask that you grant him permission to return home to us so that we can begin to grieve together,

so that he may attend our daughter’s burial this coming week and so that we can face this ordeal as a family,” Erika said to the court.

He is not represented by this huge error. I only want the children could see their father so I won’t have to break the news to them tonight that they’re about to lose another one.

Despite the prosecution’s request for a bail of $1 million, the court has put his bond at $25,000.


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