Do You Recall This? Rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton

They are all separated by fictitious borders but joined together by a love of their nation.

AND TO THE REPUBLIC: A nation where representatives nominated by the populace hold sovereign authority.

Furthermore, the people run the government; the people make decisions, not the leaders. A NATION FOR WHICH IT STANDS: One nation, denoting “such a favor from God.”

INDIVISIBLE: Not able to be split off. WITH LIBERTY: This refers to the ability to live one’s own life free from coercion, fear, or reprisals.

JUSTICE: The attribute or concept of treating others fairly. FOR ALL: This implies that, boys and girls, this country is as much yours as it is mine.

Let me now hear you all repeat the Pledge of Allegiance, boys and girls: “I swear loyalty to the American flag and the Republic it represents: a single, undivided country where everyone is entitled to liberty and justice.”

Two states have joined our nation since I was a young child, and the phrase “under God” has been added to the Pledge of Allegiance.

If someone said, “That is a prayer,” wouldn’t it be unfortunate if schools stopped teaching that as well?

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When Brittney Griner’s first child with wife Cherelle is born, they become “pops.”