How a lady who was the only survivor of a terrifying aircraft accident managed to survive for 192 hours by herself in a Vietnamese forest


instincts for survival Herfkens, who was alone herself in the bush, clarified that she had focused on surviving by asking herself, “What other choice did I have?”

She would try to avoid malnutrition for the following eight days by gathering drinking water using insulation from the plane’s wing. She told The Guardian, “I stayed in the moment.”

“I had faith that they would locate me. I never considered, “What if a tiger shows up?” “I’ll take care of it when the tiger comes,” was my thinking.

I didn’t consider the possibility of dying. “I’ll see about it when I die,” was my thinking. After Herfkens’ first escape, a local constable would find the wreckage eight days later.

“At first, he thought I was a ghost because he had never seen a white woman before,” she said. Nevertheless, the guy reported her to the police, and 192 hours later, she was saved.

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